Concussion Rehabilitation

Progressive, Effective and Evidence Based

Concussions can really throw your life upside down. Many people get lost in the system or find themselves in the hands of a practitioner who treats a bit of everything. At the Concussion Rehab clinic, we have a focus on brain health and concussion rehab. We see it and do it all day every day. Our concussion rehabilitation strategies are based on recent evidence and thousands of clinical cases. Like a snowflake every concussion is different, and every recovery is different. We work with people right after injury and also years after injury. The brain is resilient and adaptable, improvement in brain health IS possible! Our concussion rehabilitation may include:

  • Aerobic exercise

  • Diet recommendations

  • Eye-movement based rehabilitation (also known as oculomotor rehabilitation)

  • Vestibular therapy

  • Mindful strategies to support recovery

  • Appropriate and gradual return to work and play

*Please note, we have many patients come in with other neurological conditions such as post stroke and multiple sclerosis. The same comprehensive approach to care is provided, and our patients could not be happier! Rehabilitation is not a cure for these but can greatly improve quality of life. Small consistent changes can add up to a big difference. Work is always done in collaboration with your medical team.

Brain Booster Program: Optimize Your Brain Health for Healthy Brain-Aging

Our brain is involved in everything we do but sometimes it is not working as well as it could. This may look like poor memory, depression, anxiety, irritability, reduced focus, poor sleep or you just feeling ‘not like yourself’. Maybe you had a few concussions years ago while playing sports or tripping over your own feet. Maybe you have been pushing the midnight oil too long and it is catching up with you. The first step is deciding to get on board and believe that a more energized, happier and focused version of yourself is possible. The next steps include strategies to support your nervous system, exercises to improve memory and concentration that can make everyday tasks easier to do and some guidance regarding diet. Specific exercises and suggestions based on your individual needs and goals are key. The brain booster program is 6 sessions spaced 1 weeks apart. You will learn all about your brain, how to support your brain health and will engage in brain and life changing activities. If you what to know what it feels like to be a super hero functioning at a higher level, get ready because it is achievable! Be prepared for:

  • Diet revamp

  • Brain stimulating homework

  • Mindfulness strategies

  • Manual therapy

  • Body based homework based on your specific areas needing a health boost


Osteopathy is incredibly effective for reducing chronic and acute pain as well as aiding in treatment of concussions, injuries, headaches, migraines, digestive issues. It involves manual manipulation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints to facilitate the health of joints and muscles. An osteopathic treatment may seem similar to other manual therapies, however, the principles guiding treatment differ. Osteopathy is based on the principle that structure governs function and treatment planning focuses on rebuilding the health and resiliency of the body including all systems and not just focusing on the point of pain. Your body wants to heal and get stronger, sometimes it just needs a little push in the right direction.

InSight/Saccade Analytics: The Window to Your Brain

InSight by Saccade Analytics is a ground breaking tool for objectively and accurately assessing neurological function by analyzing eye movements in virtual reality. While I have been assessing eye movements for years, this technology lets us document it. This is a key indicator in concussion as well as many other conditions such as multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia and neuro degenerative diseases. Using InSight to assess you after concussion helps objectively monitor your progress as symptoms can sometimes be misleading. Even otherwise healthy patients should get a baseline test if they want to know more about how they are functioning. This is because if a head injury or other unexpected turn of events occurs, we will have a baseline to compare to. Your report can be shared with you, your MD and other health clinicians if desired. Learn more about this tool that is FDA approved and made in Canada: *Note: Only a medical doctor can provide you with a medical diagnosis*